

Artifacts is a Sandbox MMORPG with HTTP endpoints to automate gameplay and build your own tools. Every action you can perform with your character corresponds to an endpoint that you can interact with using code.


The API is documented using OpenAPI, which you can access by clicking here (opens in a new tab). You can try our Quickstart Guide to quickly learn the basics of Artifacts.

To share your projects, ask questions, or give feedback, we have a Discord (opens in a new tab).

Season 4 is now avaliable

New season

This season will include new features:

  • Monsters abilites: Monsters can now cast abilites such as burn, poison, lifesteal and more, making combat more tactical.
  • NPCs: New residents populate the world of Artifacts. Discover NPC merchants who will buy and sell your items!
  • Critical Strike: Critical strikes are here! Weapons and monsters can now perform critical strikes! Watch out!
  • Rune system : Equip your character with a powerful rune that will give you a powerful ability. Get tactical!
  • New content! Over 50 new items, 3 new monsters and more!.


Artifacts is a Sandbox MMORPG where you can do whatever you want - there's no set path to follow. You can send your characters into combat against monsters, obtain resources through harvesting skills such as mining and woodcutting, craft equipment, complete quests and much more.


The game's economy is simulated and influenced by players' actions. Item prices increase and decrease according to demand.

To learn more about the game, check out our gameplay concepts, or try the game with our quickstart guide.

The game is currently in alpha and under active development, so we are always adding new features and content.


The Alpha 4 is now available with the following features:

  • Elemental combat system (fire, air, water, earth)
  • 40 levels of combat and skills.
  • 8 skills (Mining, Woodcutting, Cooking, Alchemy, Gearcrafting, Weaponcrafting, Jewelrycrafting)
  • A Grand Exchange for selling/buying items to other players
  • Banking system
  • Events (exclusive monsters/resources/npcs that appear randomly in the world for a limited time)
  • A dynamic tasks system to get exclusive items.
  • An achievements system.

In terms of numbers, this represents over 350 items, 32 monsters, +250 crafts and 357 maps.

A game client with a javascript editor will also be available to help you discover the game in the best possible conditions.

Let's start

Now that you know a little more about the game, I invite you to continue with our Quickstart Guide to learn the basics in less than five minutes.